Sunday, May 22, 2005

you can comment now... for the last couple months or so, I have felt as though no one really reads my blog, or its just incredibly boring b/c i never have any comments. However, I was informed last night that I had settings on my page that restricted those who can comment on my site. So ive adjusted those settings and now anyone should be able to comment. Let me know if this is the case..


Anonymous said...

Ok...I'm trying this comment thing out to see if it works now so I can make comments on your wonderfully exciting and informative blog! =O)

Jessica & Justin said...

Yeah! It works! Im not sure how exciting this blog actually is but thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

yay! we can post! Jessica is awesome!! anyways im all about posting on here, so u better watch ya girl, Sara

Jessica & Justin said...

Well Min, I guess it just comes down to whether you support the oppression of people or not. Its not a liberal or conservative issue. If you would rather buy into the hype and get a diamond engagement ring like everyone else in America,thats your decison. However,for me knowing what I know about blood diamonds I could not live with myself. It would be clearly hypocritical as a person who supports social justice for all people to sacrifice my beliefs just for a material possession. Basically all i can say is that is that i LOVE my ring and I LOVE the fact that I know no one in Africa had to die for me to get it.

Justin said...


Mindi, Mindi...

Justin said...

What did you expect Jessica to say when you asked for an argument?

Jessica is a social worker and of course, social work is the profession of those who are most concerned w/ social justic.

Since her fiance is in the field of presenting arguments (logical arguments, not rhetorical arguments) she presented you w/ a disjunctive syllogism. This is b/c she has learned much from me - as I have from her.

So, she obliged your request for an argument.

Justin said...

LOL - fair enough =)