Friday, July 07, 2006

Some Colorado pics!

So we got back a few weeks ago from our second vacation of the summer: Colorado! It was absolutely beautiful, the mountains still had some snow on them! We also got to go white water rafting! This was incredible & SO fun, even if I had to rescue my husband from falling into the rapids!
All in all, we had an incredible time. My little sister got to come with us too and it was nice to catch up since it had been 6 months since I saw her. Well here are some pics, I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

We're BACK!!!

Well Justin and I returned this weekend from our trip to Boston! We had a magnificent time and saw so much in the short time that we were there. It was also nice to hang out with our friends Ang and Karen who introduced to some new ethnic dining experiences as always. (Malaysian, Taiwanese, & Cantonese-Style Dim Sum)
Here are a few pics from our trip

This is Trinity Church (amazing architecture inside & out) one of the oldest churches in Boston. Right next to the church is the new John Hancock building. This building was designed to allow the reflection of the church to appear on the side of the building as well as serve as a mirror image for the Old John Hancock building which is located on the other side. (However I must say that the John Hancock building in Chicago is much cooler)

This is my husband next to the tombstone of Samuel Adams.
You can see that Justin is trying to look serious; he felt it was wrong to smile at a cemetery. Other famous people buried in this graveyard include John Hancock, Mother Goose, Paul Revere, and the 5 victims of the Boston Massacre.

This is us at the beach on Cape Cod. This is such a beautiful area.
And lastly this is us in Paul Revere Mall. Its not really a mall more like a courtyard area with a fountain in front of the Old North Church. Its also located in the North End, which is the Italian district of Boston. A great area to eat, shop, and visit. And if you ever visit make sure to stop by the famous Mike's Pastries for a delicious cannoli!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well...its official. It looks as though our time in Oklahoma may be coming to close. After completing his M.A. in philosophy at OU, Justin was denied acceptance into the PhD program. Although we have been preparing for this possibility, I never thought it would end up this way. Justin has worked so hard especially this past semester to prove himself, and has been told by many within the department that he is one of the better students in the program. However, for some reason it was not in God's plan for us and so begins the next adventure in our life...who knows where it will lead us?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

We are going to BOSTON!

BOSTON! Justin and I purchased our plane tickets this week to fly to Boston at the end of May! I am SO excited since I've never been there before and for some reason believe that I meant to be an east coast girl! Why is this? I dont know! I fell in love in with NYC when I was there, and there is something about the east coast that is so attractive to me. I dont know if its just the bustle of city life or simply the diversity that is so prevalent everywhere, but whatever the reason I cant wait to check out Boston!
I'm starting to make a list of things to see & do while we are there, and although we are staying with some friends (who I know will show us a good time) if you have any suggestions or recommendations on things to do, please leave a comment & let me know!
One thing that I thought would be fun is to stand on the the steps of the Old North Church (See pic) and start quoting the poem "Paul Revere's Ride " that I had to learn in 5th grade! " Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere.... What do you think?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The prayer of St. Francis

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
And where there is sadness, joy, O Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we recieve
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is dying that we are born into eternal life.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

My favorite hobby

Alrighty, so a couple of weeks ago my work threw a "stock the newlywed's pantry" shower for Justin and I. At this shower, they wanted to play a game to see how well we knew each other, so they asked me a series of questions while Justin was outside the room, and vice versa. One of the questions they asked Justin was "what is Jessica's favorite hobby?" Well, when they asked me what he said, I had no idea. I dont really have any cool hobbies. But what my husband told everyone was that my hobby was eating! Now when he said that, I was a little shocked. My initial response was that he was implying that i was a compulsive overeater. However, this is not what he meant. He explained this by saying that I love to try new foods/restaurants and simply enjoy good gourmet food.
As I thought about this, I realize that my husband knows me better than I know myself, because I truly do LOVE food! We both love to cook and since we've been married have tried out all sorts of styles of cooking. One of our favorites is fondue (we have 2 pots, and a fondue fountain....amazing!) and last night we experimented with sushi. I am attaching some pics so you can how it turned out. I was quite impressed with it.

Also for fun I'm attaching a picture of Justin with our chocolate fondue fountain. This has a been a wonderful addition to our family :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

2 month anniversary!!!

It's been officially 2 months today that I've been married to the man of my dreams! :)
Yeah! not sure why the format on my blog went all crazy with my profile so far down on the right side....I will try to fix that when I have more time to mess around on my computer......

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mobile Monks

This past week Justin and I visited a small church plant here in Oklahoma City. The pastor of this church spoke of this concept of "mobile monks" and i thought it was a great description of how we as Christians should be living our lives. Daily spending hours in prayer and study of the scriptures, becoming "mini-theologians" by knowing what we believe, and then using that knowledge and living the biblical message out in our every day lives.

Here is the quote the pastor used to illustrate this concept;

So, bottom line, this is what I want to see out of us over time: Depth with direction. Picture a monk in one those heavy, itchy brown robes...but with the best, lightest New Balance running shoes you can buy...Monks on the move. Deep thinking, deep feeling, deeply CHANGED men ( & women) . But they dont sit in a dark,damp monastery and chant and plant flowers all day. They MOVE OUT every day, all day with courage, character, and compassion into all the places God gives them to move--toward thier wives, thier children, thier co-workers, their neighbors, the least, the lonely, the widows, the orphans, to the ends of the earth...anything less and we will fall short of all that Christ Jesus saved us for and wants us to be.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sex offender gets 60 days in prison

I heard about this story as I was watching CNN tonight and I was completely appalled. In Vermont a judge handed down a 60 day sentence to an admitted sex offender. The defendant admitted to molesting and sodomizing a young girl for a period of 4 years. What is this judge thinking? I am still in shock that someone who is supposed to impose justice on criminals would make such a horrific decison and stand by it! I am posting the link to this story so that you can read more details, but the maximum penalty this man could have recieved was up to life in prison and yet the judge decided that it would be better for our society to have this man undergo treatment for his sexual perversions and then re-enter our communities!!
This really outrages me because every day i see the effects of sexual abuse on children. It is the single most devastating, traumatizing act that can be committed against a child and it is not punished severely enough in our nation. Im not sure why is it so hard for people to realize that these individuals can never be cured (look at all the statistics, nothing support the assumption that sexual predators are ever "cured" from their tendencies) and are huge risks to our children and families. Another thing to remember is that almost all of them are repeat offenders before they are ever caught. Why are we willing to risk our children's lives to give these people a second chance? They are criminals just like any other rapist or murderer, yet do we see judges saying that it is better for murderers to go through some sort of treatment just to re-enter our society within 60 days? In this case, it seems that the judge feels worse for the child molester than the innocent, helpless, victimized child. Why are we not more outraged about sexual abuse towards children? judge_cashman_defends_his_decision_to_impose_60_day_sentence/?page=1

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Its so hard to believe that it has already been 4 weeks since I became Mrs. Grace. I thought that it would have sinked in by now, but it just hasnt. I still sign my name Jessica Ballard as much as I try to remember not too. I still forget that every decision I make now effects him as well. I have a hard time saying husband and not fiance...
Its just a weird transistion from being the "single" girl to being a WIFE!
I hope this isnt taken wrong, because i LOVE my husband and I love being married..
I love the fact that when I come home from work at night, Justin is waiting for me with dinner ready. He greets me with a kiss and listens to how my day went. (and let me tell you there have been some rough days the past week) He does so many little things that make me feel so special. From tucking me at night to setting the coffee pot to grind and brew when I get up for work. Maybe Im a simple girl, but these little things make me feel so loved.. Frequently I feel that I get the better end of the deal, but regardless God has definitely blessed me.
And although we are slowly adjusting to each other's quirks and ways of doing things and im sure in years to come these things will drive us both crazy, I still love knowing that I get to spend every day for the rest of my life with him. My best friend :)